Leadership Assessment -- Tools for building a greater sense of self-awareness


Assessments offer individuals a window into how they think and act in an organizational setting.

Baldoni Consulting offers three assessments: Leadership PresenceLeading from the Middle and Lead with Purpose.

Leadership Presence focuses on leadership authenticity and it is available in two forms, self assessment and as a 360 instrument. [The self-assessment is complimentary.] 

Leading from the Middle assesses the skills necessary to lead oneself and others. It measures attitudes on personal leadership, visioning, communications, change management and recognition. The instrument is used by managers taking our Leading from the Middle workshop but may be taken independently. The questions used in this assessment are adapted from assessments contained in John's first book, Personal Leadership, Taking Control of Your Work Life.

Lead with Purpose provides a look at the role purpose plays in shaping your leadership persona. Identifying such purpose will give you insight into things you can do to improve your inner life as a leader, how you connect and relate to colleagues, and ways you can lead your team and your organization more effectively.

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